I learned last year that the UK and the USA celebrate Halloween differently and with just shy of a week to go before this AMAZING Holiday, I thought I'd highlight some of the differences along with my Halloween LOVES!!!!
LOVE: The idea of spray painting your mini pumpkins GOLD and maybe even kicking it up by gluing some glitter over! I found this idea on my favorite blog and think it's easy for those of us without the time to carve a pumpkin!!!
LOVE: The idea of spray painting your mini pumpkins GOLD and maybe even kicking it up by gluing some glitter over! I found this idea on my favorite blog and think it's easy for those of us without the time to carve a pumpkin!!!
LOVE: CANDY CORN!!!! They don't have it over here in the UK and many have NEVER HEARD OF IT (or tootsie rolls if you can believe it!). My parents blew me away by sending two GIANT containers over. The first was gone in 30 minutes so I've hidden the 2nd for next week!!! They rule and SO DOES CANDY CORN!!!
LOVE: CUTE BABY COSTUMES (and all costumes for that matter). Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE DRESSING UP IN COSTUME! I have had a few outfits that I'm quite proud of and I live for transforming into someone or someTHING totally different. I was surprised (and disappointed if we're being honest) when I found out that people ONLY dress as SCARY things here....witches, ghosts, spiders etc. ...even the babies! I have collected some of my favorite baby costumes from the states to give my UK peeps an idea of what we're dealing with in cuteness from back home...I hope you love them as much as I do!!!!
This is my dear friend Laura's BEAUTIFUL daughter dressed as a potted bunch of flowers. I'm going to shout her out and mention that she MADE this costume. She makes lots of cool baby stuff! Check out her Etsy page HERE. I melted when I first saw this costume. I don't think she was walking yet...can you think of anything more perfect!?!?!
Martha Stewart always has such GREAT ideas when it comes to holiday decorating, entertaining etc. She did a whole story on baby costumes and these are my faves!!
A little Chicken! Why not!?!?!
Maybe the cutest Bat I have ever seen. Ignore the hands holding our little super hero up!!!
The below isn't from Martha's site...it's a gem I found while researching. I think you would need a BABY for this one...who would just chill out in their AIR FRESHENER costume...HILARIOUS! I love it! I pity my one day child...we are going to have SO MUCH FUN with costumes!!!!
...and finally, my favorite little monkey of them all...my nephew Ryder is READY for a night of trick or treating! Could you just melt!?!?! Those ears? That little BANANA!!! I can't deal with how cute he is sometimes!!!! I think I'm going to have to bring this tradition from the states...over here to the UK!
Happy weekend everyone and GET AMPED for Halloween next week!!!!